Tag: Peace


Do You Know Your Neighbors?

Are we too consumed in our own little world to take 5 minutes to say hello, help out someone, go for a walk, welcome a new person to the community, or just visit with a neighbor? The other day, I heard on the radio that 1/3 of the American population does not speak to their […]


Life Continues

I have not posted in a long time, I have been away for a while meditating and thinking. You would be amazed at the things that will happen when you can just sit and think–solutions to problems, ideas, stress release, better sleep, and peace of mind. I have taken the time to be with myself […]


Change the World

There are billions of us on this tiny blue dot in the universe we live in. Each and every one of us is so small and insignificant compared to the overall picture of this earth and the whole universe. In society, no matter what your religion, race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, or color, we need […]


Something New from Something Old

I recently did some cleaning of my computer files and a cabinet in my home office. In doing so, I found some old poetry that I wrote a long time ago. Some of it is dated back 25 years ago. I read through a lot of it and it brought back memories, some good and […]



As a fork in the road sprung a leak in my life a few months ago, it left me reevaluating things and thinking what is important to me? Of course, there is family—this includes my pack of animals—and friends at the top of the list. I would have to say that creating peace, love, and […]


September is Gone! Where Was I?

WOW!  Is September gone already?  I have not been doing much of anything since Mom died.  It seems like I have just been occupying space going around in a vicious circle.  I feel like I am getting things done but actually I have accomplished nothing.  Reading very little of the blogs I like, no writing, […]



I dedicate this post to my Loving Mom.  She passed away on Monday, August 12, 2013.  She lived a full life and she will be missed.  You never know when some things are going to happen, you only wish you had a little more time.  Rest in Peace MOM. A journey through life may be […]


We need to understand…

We need to understand the inadequacy of an educational system so slanted towards material values. The solution is not to give an occasional lecture, but to integrate ethics into the educational curriculum. To do this effectively requires a secular ethics, free of religious influence, based on common sense, a realistic view and scientific findings. ~ […]
