
Links to other publications and helpful information for writing:

Money-Saving Guide for Authors and Writers – An aspiring writer, Marisa, suggested this site. It has many valuable links for various resources for writers at any level. This site is a great place to start—courses, scholarships, career options, preparation and editing resources, literary agent information, and so much more. It has everything a writer needs.

Glimmer Train – Glimmer Train is one of the most respected short-story journals in print and has actively championed emerging writers from the beginning.

Blackbird VCU – is an online journal of literature and the arts at Virginia Commonwealth University.

James River Writers – James River Writers builds community by connecting and inspiring writers and all those in central Virginia with a love for the written word. – A diverse, thriving, bustling online community of creativity.

Fan Story – A place to share your writing with contests and prizes.

Writing for Theater or Film – Helpful information and resources for writing for the big screen and theater.

Writer’s Digest – # 1 resource for writers, celebrating the writing life and what it means to be a writer in today’s publishing environment.

Writer’s Relief – Author’s submission service but they also have a multitude of helpful articles for writing and your author’s website.