Author: Franklin


Embracing Retirement: A New Chapter Begins

Today marks a significant milestone—my retirement. After years of dedication, growth, and countless memories, it’s time to step into a new phase of life filled with possibilities, reflection, and perhaps a slower pace. My five-year plan has finally led me to this moment-retirement. It’s the culmination of years spent working, contributing, and learning. There’s a […]


Hello world!

Welcome to my little corner of the world. As you can see I am still working on getting this site up and running. This is the new beginning I have been planing for several years now. Bear with me on my new journey and watch for new posts in the future.


Do You Know Your Neighbors?

Are we too consumed in our own little world to take 5 minutes to say hello, help out someone, go for a walk, welcome a new person to the community, or just visit with a neighbor? The other day, I heard on the radio that 1/3 of the American population does not speak to their […]


Life Continues

I have not posted in a long time, I have been away for a while meditating and thinking. You would be amazed at the things that will happen when you can just sit and think–solutions to problems, ideas, stress release, better sleep, and peace of mind. I have taken the time to be with myself […]


Book Review: The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ

I have done a lot of reading lately. This is my 3rd book in as many weeks. I found this one while researching Jesus Christ’s life and it intrigued me. In 1887, Nicolas Notovitch—a Belarusian Jewish adventurer and self-proclaimed Russian aristocrat and journalist—traveling to India to study the Hindu culture comes across an interesting find. […]


Happy New Year

It is that time of the year to put the past year to rest and ring in the new. For me I will be enhancing my ways. The changes that I started in the past year will be enhanced for more effectively making my life and those around me better. My New Year’s Resolutions Do […]


Life Reflection

A follow-up to my previous post. There comes a point in life when you sit down and contemplate, think, ponder, and mull over what life is all about. What is the purpose of Life? I recently watched a movie, “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”, and the following motto is prevalent throughout the movie: To […]


Purpose of Life

What is the purpose of life? The purpose is different for every one of us. I pondered this question after seeing the movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. To see the world, Things dangerous to come to, To see behind walls, to draw closer, To find each other and to feel. That is the […]

My Writing

The Calling

Hello everyone. I have been away for a while to catch up on some other projects: writing, yard work, and a major project at work. I am posting another one of my poems from a long time ago. I hope you enjoy it. Driving alone A long deserted road. Staring at the lights A town […]
