
This Never Happens to Me…

Just a short post about my happenings of this weekend.  I had plans to go back to my High School hometown to visit old friends.  The plans started great.  I already made reservations at a hotel so that was taken care of.

I drive a little over 200 miles to Dover, Delaware.  Check in to my hotel.  I had a few hours to kill so I took a nap.  Woke up about an hour later.  Took a shower and decided to drive around town to see what changed.  I did not recognize over half the town.  It changed tremendously.

It was about time to meet up with all my friends so I went to the restaurant.  I arrived and only about a handful were there.  So we started conversing and drinking and eating.  More and more people showed up as the night went along.  Everyone having a great time.  It was wonderful.

Now we come to the tragic part of the early morning.  Unbeknownst to me I lost my credit card somewhere.  I had no idea where.  This never happens to me.  Me…lose my credit card.  No way!  I am impervious to these things.

I wake up the next morning take a shower and start on my way.  First, I have to get gas.  Open up my wallet…OH NO!!!…(those were not my exact words but I want to keep this clean).  Where’s my credit card?  PANIC ATTACK!!! PANIC ATTACK!!!  I thought I was going to flip out.  Okay, Frank you can do this.

Imagine…no credit card…$5 cash…need gas…only gas card is Shell and no Shell station for miles.  So pretty much I was stranded.  I could just start driving and see how far I get but knowing this day I would run out of gas in the middle of nowhere.  So I searched my bags for anything…money…other credit card…change.  Aaagghhh!  Nothing.  But wait I found my checkbook.  I thought people don’t write checks any more.  But hey let’s give it a shot.

There is a Safeway.  I went in and found the customer service counter.  I asked if I could cash a check.  They said, “Only up to $20.”  That should be enough to get me to the nearest Shell station.  Woohoo!  Saved by the Safeway.

I was able to get to the nearest Shell station but it was in Maryland.  I don’t think I would have made it if I just started to drive at first.

I have always been prepared for these kinds of incidents.  But this one just came and hit me right out of the blue.  I guess I am not so impervious as I thought I was.  I can attribute this to excitement, drinking, and getting old.  WOW!!!  What a rollercoaster ride of emotion this weekend was.

9 thoughts on “This Never Happens to Me…

  1. Ajaytao2010

    I Nominated you for A Bunch of Awards – 13 Nominations

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    1. Frank

      Thanks Ajaytao!!!

      1. Ajaytao2010

        thank you 🙂 🙂

  2. thehappyhugger

    That is a terrible thing to happen, especially when you were so far from home. Glad it all worked out in the end, Frank.

  3. Robyn Lee

    Oh so sorry you had such trouble Frank… it’s a helpless feeling. My Dad always used to say we should put $20 (or maybe these days $100) in our shoe!! Maybe a good trick?! Much love and hope it all turned out ok! x Robyn

    1. Frank

      Yes, it turned out all okay. Canceled my credit card and made it home fine. Yeah, you’re right $20 back in the day is now $100. Thanks Robyn.

  4. Theresa

    I take this convenience for granted! I doubt that you’re old enough, but I remember the days before ATM cards, when if we didn’t get to the bank during normal business hours Monday – Friday, we were out of luck as far as money for the weekend. Things change so quickly…

    1. Frank

      Yeah, I hardly ever carry cash on me anymore. I have my ATM card and I use that for everything. Things do change so quickly. Thanks.

  5. renxkyoko

    You need 2 credit cards then.

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